
Wednesday 25 January 2012

I wish I could just climb roof tops and hill tops just to praclaim how happy I am. I have no reason. No specific event in my life at the moment so "happening"! Infact certain things are going totally downhill. But I'm still feeling happy and worried for nothing at all! Feeling some kind of internal peace. I'm just relishing every moment of it. I'm just worried I can't write much because of my exams in exactly 9 days and 10 hours .However , my urge to write is undying. 

I am happy I am happy! I hope you all can sing along!

 Khalil Gibran's words express exactly how I feel now!
Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. 

I was just reading a lovely blog.And this blogger, she had written on why one quotes on quotes and how much she likes doing the same.Taking cue from that , I'd like to tell you that today, I have no words. No written language to proclaim how happy I am. I just am. And I quoted Khalil Gibran because those words were exactly how I wanted to describe the current situation of my soul, into words. However , I find it difficuilt to prize those words out of my soul  now that I'm so happy. The same happens when I'm  very sad too. It's either extremes. It's a kind of brain-lock, soul-lock or whatever you call it! 

So, I'll just wave good-night to all my friends out there, before that,SMILE! It sure makes you live LOOONGER than the number of Os I've addeded in the word. 


Thank you,Universe.


  1. Gayatri said...:

    Awwwwww I'm so happy that you're so happy! Don't let anything change that. It's infectious :)

  1. Anonymous said...:

    What a cute post & pics Jen:)!! LOVE that you share your happiness with us:):)!!! Thank you sweetie:)!!

  1. Aww. Thank YOU so much Daisy! :)

  1. Thanks for sharing the happiness!!!

  1. Aww.Thanks for reading Mr.RRR ;)

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